Smart Pizza options and accessories to meet all needs

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Thanks to its in-house engineering department, API Tech offers several configurations in order to fit the clients’ requirements. Besides the customized graphic design, or wrapping of the machine, the exterior of the machine has various options.


Smart Pizza is made to fit every client the best possible. This is why API Tech gives the choice to its clients and provides many configurations:

Payment system area

Different colors are available in accordance with your visual identity.


Storefront / Integrated solution

For restaurant owners willing to install their Smart Pizza in the frontage of their store, it can be installed without roof. The dispensing area faces the street so people walking by can order pizza, while the refilling side is inside the restaurant. This is an ideal solution to continue selling products when your business is closed.


Commercial sign

For a better visibility 


Long canopy

In order to shelter the clients in case of heavy rain, snow or blazing sun.


360° commercial sign 

For a great visibility from every point of view. This solution is very popular in areas where customers can access the location from many different sides, such as gas stations and convenience stores. 




A restaurant, a pizzeria, or any other shop that offers“take out” will need consumables, disposables, and other accessories to offer this service. API Tech recognized this need and designed items at affordable prices for existing and future clients to be successful.


> Plant-Based Pizza Boxes


> Aluminum cooking plates

> Trolley 

trolley smart pizza

> Isothermic Transport Containers


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